guggenheim fellowship

Barbara Takenaga is a Recipient of the 2020 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship by Barbara Takenaga

Barbara Takenaga (and Andy) in front of Manifold 5 (triptych), 2018

Barbara Takenaga (and Andy) in front of Manifold 5 (triptych), 2018

We are pleased to announce that Barbara Takenaga was chosen for a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship amongst 175 visual artists, scholars and writers, “appointed on the basis of prior achievement and exceptional promise. “ She was chosen from a group of 3,000 applicants in the Foundation’s ninety-sixth competition. To read the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation announcement, click here.

“I'm totally thrilled about receiving this fellowship,” says Barbara, “feeling very grateful and lucky.  It will make a big difference.  A big shout out to the Guggenheim Foundation as they continue to support artists in this difficult time, when so many organizations have had to cancel funding and exhibitions. Thank you!”

Barbara Takenaga, Small Folds (bluegreen) 2019, 16 x 20inches, acrylic on woodpanel

Barbara Takenaga, Small Folds (bluegreen) 2019, 16 x 20inches, acrylic on woodpanel